1 Sales Order details
- Sales Order Number
- Date
- Total taxable
- Total
- Customer
- Show/Hide Operational Data
Click to show or hide the details of the products being processed and the relative WO / Phases with times and costs
2 Sales Order % Profitability
3 Send products
This icon appears only if certain criteria are met:
- At least a work order has been created
- If some items are in stock
(Bottom left)
- There are products still to be shipped punto 7 :
By clicking on the icon, Transport Document for shipping is generated (See: Shipping Products in order)
3 $ Economic Data
By clicking on the symbol, the following popup is shown (see: Profitability Detail)
5 Sales Order Menu
Click on the three dots menu to access the following functions:
- Edit Sales order
- Add product to sales order
- Close sales order and work order
- Print Report – it opens document in iProdEditor
- Show Log
- Show Help
6 Details of Product in progress:
Unit Price
Other symbols
Indicates that the item is linked to another product
All items have been delivered
7 Shipping Status
DS Total number of piece
SP Number of pieces already shipped (8)
9 Number of Work Orders (WO)
10 Economic and Operational Indicators
% Profitability
$ Profitability Details
Work Order Menu
- Edit Sales Order’s product
- Add linked product to sales order (See: Adding linked products)
11 Work Order (WO) and delivery date
12 Work Order Progress Bars
Product manufacturing progress
Timing progress. Once production has started, the horizontal bar indicates time elapsed.
13 Phase Details. Each row represents a different phase with information like:
- Status
- work in progress
- Phase completed
- To be started
- Paused
- Phase name
- N°Pieces to be manufactured
- OEE – Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE su wikipedia
- Elapsed time
- Expected Time
- Delta
- Average Time
14 Work Order comands
Expand / Collapse detail phases
Number of pieces made/Total
Click to edit or delete WO
15 Stock and warehouse management
Quantity in Stock: Number of products currently stocked and available
Quantity of incoming products: Number of products requested but not yet arrived and recorded on the Goods Entry documents
WIP. Quantity in process: Number of products currently on Work Orders.
Outgoing quantity. Total number of items that are in order and not yet shipped (there are no confirmed delivery notes). Products in order include products in process. For example, WIP 5, Outbound 15 means 15 have been ordered and currently 5 are either in actual processing or finished products and ready to ship.
Quantity reserved on Delivery Notes or Draft Picking Lists
16 Editing or deleting the Word Order. The pencil icon only appears when the phases have not been assigned to the machines.
17 Phase Planning.
The symbol will be red if the planning is incomplete, meaning the phases have not been assigned to the machines.
The symbol will be green when all phases are assigned to the machines.