Sales Orders and Work Orders (WO)


For each order confirmed by a customer, to start production it is necessary to open a new Sales Order and as many Work Orders as you want related to it.  


The Sales Order shows the following information: 

  • Client Name 
  • List of Items that have been ordered with relative quantities, unit prices and delivery methods (staggered or in a single solution) 
  • Attachments provided by the customer 


The document closes when all the listed items have been delivered to the customer. 

In order to start production of an article, a Work Order (WO) must be created, for the same article it is possible to open more WO. For example, a customer requested staggered deliveries therefore the company decides to defer production of no urgent goods.  

If you want to produce items to put products in stock, without having received an order from a customer, your company must be assigned to the order as a customer. 


Work Order shows the following information: 

  •  Sales order reference 
  • Reference to article in production, quantity and expected completion date  
  • Customer or company attachments  

iProd allows you to create work orders without linking them to any order, but in that case, you must enter at least the customer referenc