Product Traceability


The traceability function of a product involves associating a unique serial number with each available element related to the product. This tracking feature is indicated by the presence of a barcode icon at the top right

To indicate that a product is tracked, simply check the "Tracked" box in the product properties tab.

Immediately afterward, a pop-up window appears, allowing you to enter serial numbers.

1 Product (total number found in warehouses) 

2 Warehouse. In parentheses, the number of products in stock in that specific warehouse is displayed. By clicking on each warehouse individually, the corresponding serial numbers are entered.

3 Space for entering the serial number. There will be as many rows as there are products in stock in the selected warehouse.

5 Save button. Press the button to save the serial numbers entered so far, then click "Save" in the product properties tab to ensure they are actually stored in the database. Subsequently, a new "Traceability" tab will appear, allowing you to manage (insert, modify, and delete) the product serial numbers.


The input process has been optimized for barcode scanner use: when a code is scanned, the next input field is automatically highlighted, , eliminating the need for mouse or keyboard maneuvers.  

It is not mandatory to fill in all the input fields at once. 


Traceability Page 

Tracked components column on the grid shows all components needed to manufacture the finished products that have a serial number: a tracked product can be made up of components (i.e., other items) which can be tracked or not, this will be defined in BOM of the product.  

In image above 2/2 means that 2 products out of 2 that make up the item have a serial number. 

Please bear in mind traceability is applicable on the first level of elements: In BOM a product can have branches of other products and these branches could be infinite, by first level we mean the first level or relations (father/son) 

It is possible to track the serial number of components of a product but not components of the latter.  

Immagine che contiene testo

Descrizione generata automaticamente

The yellow triangle warns you that a product labelled as tracked, it is not completely tracked and some of its components are missing the serial number. 

By double clicking on a row of the grid, you can select the serial number of tracked components. 

This popup window is divided into tabs, one for each first-level track component. From here it is not possible to insert new serial number but to only modify the existing ones 

Immagine che contiene testo

Descrizione generata automaticamente

For observations made until now, it is advisable to enter the serial numbers starting from components that are at the last level of the BOM and go up to the finished product.  


Tracking references on ERP documents 


Features related to the traceability of products are also found in the documents of entry and exit goods. The tracked components column allows you to enter the serial number of products received or delivered.  

The column indicates how many serial numbers have already been entered and the total to be entered (total corresponds to the quantity specified in the adjacent column). Clicking on it opens a screen for entering serial numbers similar to those already seen.

If quantity of a row decreased, the product has been changed to another or the row is deleted, all serial numbers selected for that row are removed.  

In goods receipt documents, the serial number created is associated with the warehouse indicated in the Warehouse Destination field.  

In shipments, new serial numbers cannot be created, you can only select existing ones. Furthermore, documents will not change their status to “confirmed” if as many serial numbers as there are items to be shipped have not been indicated.