iProdSync: Sync Configuration Options

How to Configure Sync Type and Mode

Click the 'gear' icon to customize the initial configuration.

You can modify three sections:

  1. Synchronization
  2. Modules
  3. Data Sources
  • Synchronization: Configure synchronization settings.
  • Modules: Define the tables and fields involved in the sync.
  • Data Sources: Specify the DB server type and access credentials.

If the chosen data source is Zucchetti, the Modules section is not available, as it is preconfigured and requires no additional information.

In the Synchronization section, select how to keep data synchronized for each archive from the dropdown menu:

  • Disable Sync: Synchronization will be unavailable and will not occur automatically.
  • Keep iProd Synchronized: Data on the local DB will be transferred to iProd and kept synchronized.
  • Keep Local DB Synchronized: The system will detect data on iProd and copy any missing data to the local DB.
  • Bidirectional Sync: Syncs data from DB to iProd first, then from iProd to DB.

Another option for each SYNC is to choose how to resume the next sync:

  • From the Last Synchronization:
    After each synchronization, the system records the date and time. During the next sync, only data added or modified after this recorded date will be processed, avoiding reprocessing of the same records.

    Specify the field name where your system updates the date with each record change. This field is typically named lastUpdate or something similar.

  • From the Last Record:
    If the table does not have a date-based change tracking system, this option allows the sync to resume from the last processed record ID. If there is no primary key, the system will track by recording the number of records processed.

    Note: This method only processes new records and cannot track modifications between syncs.


  • Start from the Beginning:
    If the archive is not large and lacks modification reference dates, this option is recommended. It restarts the sync from the beginning, updating even identical data. This is the safest method if performance is not a concern.


The button next to options 1 and 2 allows you to modify the reference date or number.