iProdSync: How to Automatically Sync Data Every Hour

Customize synchronization through scheduling

Scheduling involves controlling and configuring automatic SYNC cycles. Every set number of minutes, the "Sync All" command is executed, and the data is aligned across the systems automatically and in the background.

The application resides in the system tray and, once installed on any network PC, it does not interfere with other programs.

When the application is installed and launched for the first time, the scheduling status is set to Stop. This allows for a controlled initial run to ensure the configuration is correct.

When everything is OK, you can switch from Stop to Sync, and a timer will start to mark the intervals.

As seen in the image below, we have configured the options to start synchronization every 60 minutes. A message below the dropdown shows the scheduled time for the next SYNC.

If it becomes necessary to interrupt synchronization during operations, the list of commands changes from "Stop and Sync" to various options:

  • Pause for 30 minutes
  • Pause for one hour
  • Pause until the same time tomorrow
Stop everything until the user selects Sync again
The last option sets the dropdown to "Stop," and no further automatic operations will be performed.

Please note that during the nighttime period from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM, the system will not execute any SYNC operations, as it is assumed that there will be no data changes during this time.