Bill of Materials

Products and Services

As seen before in products, to add a list of products to be assigned to each phase, click on “Add product list” . 

With the bill of material, we are going to state raw materials, semi-finished products, components and instructions required to construct or manufacture a product or service. 

Inspired by Kanban board elements can be dragged and dropped from one column to another. Except for the first one “ADD PRODUCT LIST” all other columns correspond to phases defined in BOM. See example in photo above .


1 Version There will be as many BOM as product revisions. At the moment it is not possible to manage two different versions simultaneously: the oldest versions are not interoperable, but they are available for consultation.   

The circled number in blue color will indicate the current version 


2 Products to be assigned. In this column will be products to be assigned to phases. They come from data import or BOM but couldn’t be linked to specific phases because of lack of information.   


3 Processing Phases All production stages  


4 Products  Products used in the production process. They can either be purchased therefore finished products, raw materials or internally manufactured and have a BOM in turn.   


5 Semifinished Products Product or item for which information is partially known. It is the outcome of a processing phase and it has to be manually assigned to the next phase. This semi-finished product does not appear in “Products and Services” nor in any other archive