Creating a New Product in iProd Cloud

Step-by-Step Guide for Product Creation in iProd

Creating a New Product

  1. Navigate to Products and Services:

    • Begin by accessing the Products and Services menu.

Open the Data Entry Form:

  • Click on the “+” button to open the data entry form for a new product.

Fill in Product Details:

Complete the following fields with the relevant product information:

    • Product Code
    • Product Description
    • Product Photo
    • Description
    • Sale Price
    • Cost
    • Producer



Importing from iProd Marketplace:

  • If the product is available in the iProd Marketplace, you can import its information:
    1. Specify the Manufacturer:
      • Type at least the first three characters of the manufacturer's name to display a list of identified suppliers.
    2. Select the Supplier:
      • Choose the appropriate supplier from the list.
    3. Enter Product Details:
      • Type the first three characters of the product you want to import. This will extend the window to the right, displaying the list of identified items.
    4. Choose the Product:
      • Select the desired product from the list and proceed with the definition.

Finalizing Product Information:

  • When you import a product from the marketplace, it will be marked as Purchased, and you won't be able to add it to the Bill of Materials. All native product information, such as descriptions, costs, and prices, will be automatically filled in and can be modified if necessary.