Understanding Sales Orders (SO) and Work Orders (WO).

After receiving an order from a customer, it's necessary to create a Work Order (WO) in sequence.

The Sales Order (SO), often mistakenly referred to as a Confirmation of Order, serves as the internal document guiding the organization to initiate the production of a specific order commissioned by a customer after the conclusion of commercial negotiations.

Key details included in the Sales Orders:

  • Customer's name
  • List of ordered items with quantities, unit prices, and delivery methods (staggered or in one solution)
  • Attachments provided by the customer

A Sales Order is considered closed upon the successful delivery of all listed items to the customer.

To commence production of an item listed in a Sales Order, a Work Order (WO) must be created. Multiple WOs can be generated for the same item, particularly if staggered deliveries are required, allowing production of the necessary quantity for each shipment.

In cases where items are produced for stocking components without a customer order, a Sales Order can be created, listing the company itself as the customer.

Key details included in Work Orders:

  • Reference to the originating Sales Order code
  • Item code, quantity, and expected completion time of production
  • Attachments from the customer or the company