Selling an internal product


Follow these steps to sell company own products on iProd MarketPlace 

  • Open product page and click on “Edit” 
  • Tick “Salable” checkbox  
  • Insert Price List 
  • Click on Save 
    Immagine che contiene testo

Descrizione generata automaticamente

    With these actions a new tab will appear on product features PRICE LIST, see before and after images below  

  • Click on Price List tab 

For it to be visible in the marketplace, a final step has to be taken: 

  • Click on “Edit” from the three dots menu  
  • Double click on item row 
  • Tick Publish on Marketplace checkbox, second last column on the right. 
  • Click on Update  

From this moment, the product will be visible to all iProd network as a product for sale 


To recap, a product is visible on iProd Marketplace when: 

  • It has a price 
  • Salable checkbox is ticked 
  • Publish on Marketplace checkbox in price list tab is ticked.