iProdSync: How to Prepare a CSV for Migration

CSV File Characteristics

If you choose CSV files as your data source, ensure they meet the following standards:

  1. Use a semicolon (;) as the column separator.

  2. The first row of the file must contain the header with column names.

Dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, e.g., 2022-02-25 12:15:36.

Use a period (.) as the decimal separator in numbers. For example, pi (π) = 3.141592653.


Columns and Field Names: There are no strict constraints on the header and column names. You can use a variable number of columns, and names should follow the convention of no spaces or special characters.

Example of Valid CSV Files



Valid CSV File Example

In Giacenze.csv, the columns are enclosed in double quotes (""), which is a valid format for iProdSync.


  • If a row has more or fewer columns than the header, it will be ignored without error messages.
  • This issue may occur if fields contain semicolons (;), which could be misinterpreted as column delimiters in the CSV.

CSV files, like SQL tables, must be linked to iProd fields through Configuration -> Data Model -> Associations. See Data Model for more details.