How to close a Phase, a Work Order, a Sales Order

How to close phases, WO, Sales Orders on iProd Cloud.

The closure of a phase is dependent on the presence of an associated machine. The symbol appears only if the phase was associated with a machine during the planning stage, is not in production, and has been stopped.

The closure of a work order (WO) is automatic when the last relevant phase is closed.

The closure of a job order (Sales Order - SO) is automatic when the last phase of the last work order is closed.

To force the closure of a Sales Order, you can do so from the execution management page, but no phase should be associated with machines. In this case, open Planning -> Disassociate Phase.

When any of the three elements is closed, the Production Declaration document is automatically generated. Therefore, as soon as it is closed, the page prompts for the quantity of items produced and any that were discarded.

Quantities of pieces produced and discarded refer phase, work order or sales order, depending on what has been closed.

If rejected pieces are declared, a document is generated for the pieces produced and a separate one for the rejected items, as shown in image below

When all phases are closed, the "Close the Sales Order" command will appear in the job order management menu by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner.